Basic financial learning habits, behavior and attitudes are formed early and set the foundation for future financial success.
Knowledge Financial Group providing guidance about personal finance, creating avenues for professional development and supporting academic research in economics, finances, taxes, real estate, insurance, retirement, banking, and stock market.
Economic growth developing and emerging economies can quickly give rise to a market for financial products and services to people in a way they have never seen before.
Likewise, widespread fear and consumer disengagement from the financial system can slow the formation of a vibrant class and the growth of a domestic market for and the emerging nation’s markets.
When consumers make the wrong choices they can suffer terrible personal and financial consequences even when those consumers are using properly disclosed, well-regulated financial products that are issued by licensed institutions.
Who We Are? We’re Just A Team of Experts on Your Side
We are confident we can deliver results in the financial literacy, education and financial knowledge.
Who We Serve? Anyone who’s interesting in acquire more knowledge
Financial Knowledge and Financial Literacy at Knowledge Financial Group –
Financial Education – Financial Literacy Free Training, Free Courses At Knowledge Financial Group – / We’re here to empower people with knowledge
At knowledge financial group – knowledge / We carry a passion in transformation power of financial literacy to lift up individuals, families, communities.
Recent global economic crisis has sparked a heightened awareness of the importance of financial literacy and the need for financial education. We at knowledge financial group – / we’re here to help, we’re here to serve in a positive way.
Financial education is “the process by which people improve their understanding of financial products, services, and concepts, so they are empowered to make informed choices, avoid pitfalls, know where to go for help and take other actions to improve their present and long-term financial well-being.”
Financial literacy for consumers, students and families.
Have financial questions but don't know where to start? Go to knowledge financial group –
When people are taking control of their finances’ they get started on the path to financial stability with these tools and resources at knowledge financial group –!
Did you know that the main reason why most people don't achieve their goals is lack of proper planning? We invite you to commit to Ready. Set. Goal For A Financial Fitness Challenge. Not having a plan is a plan to fail because usually people don’t plain to fail, they just failed to plan.
Don’t Just Manage Your Money, Own It!
You earned it. Now learn how not to burn it. Getting a handle on your finances now is one of the most empowering things you’ll ever do for your future. At stake are the goals that really matter to you – and your ultimate financial freedom.
all starts with understanding where your money is coming from, where
it’s going and how to propel it in the direction you want it to go. Look
up! Because that’s where your bottom line is heading.
Planning is the New Procrastinating
Age has nothing to do with it. Your future is happening right now. So you might as well get ahead of it with smart financial planning – be it for retirement in thirty or forty years or parenthood in three to four years.
Fortunately, it’s never too early or late to embark on a financial plan of your own. With a little foresight, you’ll be able to bridge the gap between now and the future with baby steps instead of clumsy leaps and bounds.
The first three industrial revolutions were driven by coal and steam engines, then electricity, and the automobiles, then computing – information age.
Now, since while we may be withnessed of the fourth. Artificial Intelligence. How big this one will be? Nobody knows yet… Just be prepare for it..
Industrial revolution – Artificial robotic intelligence revolution
In the world of agriculture pretty much machines do it all.
In the industrial world, about 15 percent human and about 85 percent machines.
In the nursing – medical field, today less medical employees are needed robotic intelligent machines are taking over.
In today workforce, work for 25 to 50 people can be done by just one single machine.
The world’s banking system needs less workers, because of internet banking, mobile banking, automation banking.
The mobile internet automation and AI = Artificial Intelligence will have or already have profound implications for jobs infractructure, investment, glogal competition and much more.
Let’s ask these simple questions… Is my job is at risk???
Am I need to retrain myself? Do I need to improve my skills?
Robotic technology is moving at very high speed, robots are replacing humans at high volume.
Computerize banking service, not much need for bank tellers, clerks etc.
Mobil banking service, no need for briks and motar banking.
Warehouse automation system, not much need for warehouse workers.
Retail self-service check out, no need for cashiers.
Self-driving automobiles, no need for chauffers.
Share riding service, no need for taxix drivers.
Knowledge Financial Group can help ordinary people with knowledge to be able to choose investments designed to fit their goals.
Investing in securities involves risks, and there is always the potential of losing money when you invest in securities.
The performance data contained herein represents past performance which does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate.
Before investing consider carefully the investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses of the fund, including management fees, other expenses and special risks. This and other information may be found in each fund's prospectus or summary prospectus.
Neither Knowledge Financial Group and Buyheremarket Enterprise nor Visionone Holding Company and certainly any of its affiliates or financial consultants provide legal, tax or accounting advice. You should consult your legal and/or tax advisors or your own financial advisors before making any financial decisions.
Investing in the financial markets can help you reach your future dreams of retirement.
Reaching your financial goals involves protecting your assets as well as managing them
Stocks and exchange traded products (ETPs)
Stocks and ETPs can play a role in a long-term, diversified investment strategy. Visionone Holding Company with it’s wide range of information can help people build a portfolio that works for their immediate needs and also future dreams.
Bonds and individual fixed income securities
Bonds are a debt security that can provide a predictable income stream. You have access to a wide variety of bonds to help diversify your investment portfolio. Government bonds, corporate bonds, municipal bonds.
Real estate and alternative investments
A wide variety of alternative investments that may help you diversify your portfolio through real estate…
IRAs and retirement plans
Roth and Traditional IRAs offer tax advantages for retirement savings. Find out if it makes sense to consolidate by rolling over the assets in a 401(k) or 403(b) account to an IRA.* IRA plan sometimes offer by employers, employees must take advantage of that benefit.
Individuals can also set up their own retirement account
Retirement Plan Solutions for businesses and individual can offer tax-deductible contributions and tax-deferred growth opportunities.
Mutual funds
Consider diversifying your investments with professionally managed mutual funds. There are so many mutual funds to choose from. Also index funds can be a good investment, and why not thinking about ETF’s exchange traded fund.
Options are complex and sophisticated investments that give the holder the right or the obligation to buy or sell securities at a predetermined price within a set period of time.
An annuity can be a valuable tool for investing and saving for retirement. Annuity can provide a last long time income at retirement age. Plus, annuities generally provide tax deferral which gives you the freedom to control when you pay taxes on your earnings.
Life Insurance And Annuities are two important products for whatever life sends your way, you'll feel better knowing you are protecting yourself and your loved ones financially.
Two main types of life insurance
Term life insurance. Less expensive than permanent life. These policies offer coverage for a set period of time, usually 10, 15, 20 or 30 years. When the term ends, people who want to continue coverage usually must buy a new policy at a higher rate.
Permanent life insurance. These policies, also called cash-value insurance, are often considered for longer-term needs, many insurance companies and agents said this type of policy can be a great way to supplement your retirement income. That’s not true at all. That’s one of the biggest lie in the financial industry And if structured properly, this solution is flexible, allowing you to be in control of when and how you access the money.
Whole life cash value investment does not belong to the policy owner.
Both types of policies provide security via tax-free death benefits
Preparing for the unexpected. Do you have the right protection?
Key Points
Life is full of surprises. It's important to prepare for unexpected events.
Life insurance and long-term care insurance can provide valuable protection for families
Life is constantly changing. People are living longer and working longer — well into what was once considered the traditional retirement years is no longer the case. This changing dynamic may mean you are in for more of life's surprises.
So, you must be prepared for the unexpected events that come with life's inevitable changes and help look out for your loved ones?
At Visionone Capital Management, we believe in preparation.
Preparing for the Unexpected
You can't predict the future, but you can plan for it. Learn the steps you can take to prepare for the unexpected.
If there's one thing in life that's certain, it's that plans can and will change and also we can say, certainly death is inevitable.
Unexpected expenses and events may be inevitable, but they don't have to derail your financial goals.
With a little financial planning and some preparation, you can be ready for life's ups and downs.
Your Guide to Choosing Life Insurance
Discover which type of life insurance is best for you and your family and learn an easy way to obtain the best policy.
What Legacy Do You Want to Leave?
Life insurance can offer more than just protection for the unexpected. It also could help you accomplish your legacy goals.
Emergency fund, think about you and or your family's ongoing needs and expenses. At lest 6 months of emergency money should be available for just in case.
Your financial strategy isn’t complete until you have a plan to protect it.
Preparing for Your Future
It doesn't have to be difficult with the tools, resources, information from: Knowledge Financial Group.
Achieving retirement takes earlier preparation. These great resources at Buyheremarket Enterprise – can help you better understand your options.
Planning Your Estate:
Maculala at: Money Wisers Group said that:
A properly planned estate strategy gives you control over how to provide for what you value most, both financially and personally, once you are no longer able to do so yourself.
Resources & Financial Education
Helpful resources at: Visionone Hone Holding Company - if you're new to investing, or if you're looking to better understand investing in general.
At Knowledge Financial Group And Investment, we believe in a thoughtful, straightforward investment philosophy –short and long-term investing with an emphasis on quality products and necessary diversification. At the same-time we believe that "buy and hold" doesn't mean "buy and ignore, or forget."
At Visionone Holding Company, we believe that; after years of experience, we know that quality matters.
That's the reason why we don't recommend penny stocks, individual junk bonds, options or certain commodities for every investor.
At Femkonsa Capital Investment, we believe in diversification.
Certainly no investment is risk free. But finding the right balance between that risk and your return potential is at the heart of any solid investment strategy.
While diversification cannot protect you against all losses, it is one of the best way you can help reduce your risk.
If your money is invested in just one sector and this one of experiences some challenges, probably your entire financial strategy could be in trouble.
Buyheremarket Enterprise – Resources & Financial Education.
Having the right tools and resources at your fingertips is an important part of making smart decisions.
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